Hi, welcome to review my blog about seo. I did
not seo expert, but on this occasion I would like to share tips and tricks
about seo. What is seo, what is that page rank, and what is needed in making
our website to be easily recognizable by google, yahoo, and bing.
Ok, for my first post I will discuss about seo, what is seo, seo and
understanding. Before I stepped into a higher section.
According to what is seo friendly is it ? seo search engine optimization
or is known by another term SERP (Seacrh Engine Result Page). SEO or search
engine result page is a way to create a web / blog more easily recognized by
search engines, like google, yahoo, bing, ask, etc.. How do I ? for now I will
not write too deep, just the base. Among others, are as follows :
- Create an original article
- Use meta tittle, description, keywords, and tags
- Create internal links between articles in a web / blog
- Create an external link, or create a link back (backlinks)
- Avoid installing a broken link on a web / blog
- Take advantage of social bookmarking (digg.com, lintas.me, etc.) and social networking (facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc)
- Register your wesbite to the search engine google, yahoo, bing, etc.
Post Ads for your website, can be well paid and free Maybe it's some way
to make your website more easily recognized by search engines. Look forward to
tips seo on my next article. See you next time
Waah bahasa Inggris, mau bikin adsense ya Mas, hehe. sayang saya gak bisa English, trus lanjutkan
yups...benar sekali.
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